Sex therapist swears that practicing Tantric sex opens up and increases the capacity for intimacy, trust-building, and unity; it also enhances spiritual and physical growth and well-being. Just as tantric yoga is a very slow type of yoga, tantric sex is very slow sex.

Sex therapist recommends having sex slowly, taking in every moment during sex to increase physical intimacy, spiritual growth, and sexual growth in the relationship.
Here are a few reasons sex therapists prescribe tantric sex into your relationship.

We practised tantric sex simply by having sex slowly with as much physical contact as possible to increase physical intimacy, spiritual growth, and sexual growth in the relationship.
Tantric sex is recommended by sex therapists for when the honeymoon is over.
The first few months of every relationship are usually the most enjoyable. In the fairytale period of every relationship, lovers are still seeing what attracted them while getting to know each other. Once this phase is over, the vices and insecurity pop up and sometimes it may become because spice things up and recall why you fell in love.
Simply for the fun of it
Trying new things in a relationship can help your growth and, as a person and a partner, we can also introduce you to our relationship. This way, you experience something new together that is funny, energizing, and bonding.
Sex therapy and building trust in relationships
In tantric sex, your bodies and laid in a way that feels each other’s breath and heartbeat. The success of most trust-building postures depends solely on teamwork and then trust. These are some of the reasons sex therapy is recommended for building connections in relationships.
Reconnecting after time apart
body.According to sex therapists, tantric sex can help couples reconnect after a time apart. The split could be because of a brief breakup or simply because of distance apart. Tantric sex can help to reestablish trust and also help reintroduce your body, mind, and soul. To keep things spicy, the popular Kayan Mata is a perfect addition to prepare the body.
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