Thursday, February 13

Tag: local yam porridge

How to cook yam porridge (Asaro recipe) with vegetable
African Food, African Homes, Revamp

How to cook yam porridge (Asaro recipe) with vegetable

Yam porridge or yam pottage is a staple dish in many homes in Nigeria. It is highly nutritious, easy to prepare, and quite affordable. The key ingredients in this Nigerian staple are yams, palm oil, and a little seasoning and spices. Although, many homes and chefs in Nigeria have changed and added other ingredients for extra nutrients and improved taste. Although there is a myth that yam porridge can make you sleepy when you eat it in the morning, yam porridge/ pottages are perfect for breakfast. This is a myth from my time in a typical Nigerian boarding school!Yam pottage is also a suitable meal for lunch and dinner. You can always try it at a different time and decide which is more convenient!!! Yam is one of the most common foods enjoyed in Nigeria. It is prepared and eaten in...